Something You’ll Really Need To Succeed As A Writer

Growing up I had the privilege of visiting my grandma a couple of times. During that time, if there’s anything I always look forward to on the way to see her it is her endless tales. Their themes limitless (some could even transcend into another and another like the trilogies we read today). She always had a story to tell and I can remember enjoying every one of them.

Remembering this, a thought struck me -“we all have stories to tell” and the best way to tell them is by writing.

Indeed, writing whether fiction, nonfiction, poetry, prose or anything in between is in one way or another storytelling.

All writers are storytellers and the good ones know how to blend the lessons within the stories.

Successful stories (writing) appeals to the audience’s minds to place themselves in some positions and view from a different perspective.

In other words, they have a touch of humanity in them. Fiction writers would understand this better but so also must the nonfiction writer who seeks success.


This could be the missing piece in your writing jigsaw puzzle.

But what does it mean to write with humanity?

First thing I’d like you to know is that according to William Zinseer, humanity is one of the four basic premises of writing alongside brevity, clarity and simplicity.

Secondly, being human as a writer entails exhibiting the features of humans. Perhaps it is easier to explain this by telling you its opposite. The opposite of being human is being super-human. A superhero. One that never fails.

Truth is we all think we’d be more attractive if we appeared perfect. If we seem flawless. But nothing is farther away from the truth.

People believe superheros much stick to their screens. Anyone they see claims being faultless only repels them.

So how exactly can you be human in your writing?

Share your struggles and your failures.

Show them that you too fail.

This alone will make you a successful writer.

Just be human!

Ending Notes

Admitting your humanity as a writer only draws people closer to you and your writing. Nobody wants to connect with a robot. So step out today and share your weakness. Share your struggles. That’s one thing you surely need to succeed as a writer.

Question: Are you being human with your writing? Consider leaving a comment.

One thought on “Something You’ll Really Need To Succeed As A Writer

  1. Maggie June 10, 2017 / 3:26 pm

    Very thought provoking. Thank you for sharing!

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